Day 34 Task: Working with Services in Kubernetes

Day 34 Task: Working with Services in Kubernetes

Congratulation🎊 on your learning on Deployments in K8s on Day-33

What are Services in K8s

In Kubernetes, Services are objects that provide stable network identities to Pods and abstract away the details of Pod IP addresses. Services allow Pods to receive traffic from other Pods, Services, and external clients.

Types of services in k8s

  • ClusterIP(Default Service): Exposes the service on an internal IP in the cluster, making it accessible only within the cluster.

  • ExternalName: Maps a service to a DNS name, allowing the use of an external service.

  • NodePort: Exposes the service on each node's IP at a static port, making it accessible from outside the cluster.

  • LoadBalancer: Exposes the service externally using a cloud provider's load balancer.


  • Create a Service for your todo-app Deployment from Day-32

  • Create a Service definition for your todo-app Deployment in a YAML file.

  • Apply the Service definition to your K8s (minikube) cluster using the kubectl apply -f service.yml -n <namespace-name> command.

  • Verify that the Service is working by accessing the todo-app using the Service's IP and Port in your Namespace.

Let's start Task-1

We will create service file for our previous django-todo app

Django todo app

Step 1: Service YAML Definition

Create a YAML file service.yml with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: django-app-service
  namespace: app-deployment
  type: NodePort
    app: django-todo
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 8000
      nodePort: 30009

Step 2: Apply the Service Definition

Start minikube

minikube start

Apply the Service definition to your Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl apply -f service.yml

Step 3: Verify the Service

Get the service details:

kubectl get svc -n app-deployment

Step 4: Update Security Group Inbound Rules

Edit the inbound rules of your worker node to allow traffic on port 30009.

Step 5: Access the Service

Verify that the service is working by accessing the todo-app using the service’s IP and port:

minikube service django-app-service -n app-deployment --url

Creating a ClusterIP Service for Internal Access

Next, we'll create a ClusterIP Service to access the todo-app from within the cluster.

Step 1: Service YAML Definition

Create a YAML file cluster-ip-service.yml with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: django-app-cluster
  namespace: app-deployment
  type: ClusterIP
    app: django-todo
    - name: http
      protocol: TCP
      port: 8000
      targetPort: 8000

Step 2: Apply the Service Definition

Apply the ClusterIP Service definition:

kubectl apply -f cluster-ip-service.yml

Step 3: Verify the Service

List the services to verify that the ClusterIP service is running:

kubectl get svc

Step 4: Deploy a Test Pod

Create a test Pod to verify the ClusterIP service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test-pod
  namespace: app-deployment
    - name: busybox
      image: busybox
      command: ['sh', '-c', 'while true; do wget -q -O- django-app-cluster:8000; done']

Apply the test Pod definition:

kubectl apply -f test-pod.yml

Step 5: Access the Service from the Test Pod

Exec into the test Pod and verify access:

kubectl exec -it test-pod -n my-django-app -- /bin/sh

Use wget to test access:

wget -qO- http://my-django-app-cluster:8000

Creating a LoadBalancer

LoadBalancer file Service for External Access let's create a LoadBalancer Service to access the todo-app from outside the cluster.

Step 1: Service YAML Definition

Create a YAML file load-balancer-service.yml with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-django-app-loadbalancer
  namespace: app-deployment
    app: django-todo
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 8000
  type: LoadBalancer

Step 2: Apply the Service Definition

Apply the LoadBalancer Service definition:

kubectl apply -f load-balancer-service.yml

Step 3: Verify the Service

Get the service details:

kubectl get service

Step 4: Access the Service

Copy the public IP address of the LoadBalancer and access the todo-app through the browser:


Thankyou for reading !!!!!!