Day 3 :- Basic Linux Commands with a Twist 🐧💻

Day 3 :- Basic Linux Commands with a Twist 🐧💻


1. View the content of a file and display line numbers.

cat -n #filename

2. Change the access permissions of files to make them readable, writable, and executable by the owner only.

chmod 777 #filename

3. Check the last 10 commands you have run.

history | tail -10

4. Remove a directory and all its contents.

rm -r #directoryname

5. Create a fruits.txt file, add content (one fruit per line), and display the content.

touch fruits.txt #creating file
vim fruits.txt #editing file as one fruite per line
cat fruits.txt #display the content

6. Add content in devops.txt (one in each line) - Apple, Mango, Banana, Cherry, Kiwi, Orange, Guava. Then, append "Pineapple" to the end of the file.

vim fruits.txt #editing file as one fruite per line
cat fruits.txt #display the content
echo "pineapple" >> fruits.txt #adding pineapple in last of fruits.txt
cat fruits.txt #display the content

7. Show the first three fruits from the file in reverse order.

head -3 #filename | tac

8. Show the bottom three fruits from the file, and then sort them alphabetically.

tail -3 #filename | sort

9. Create another file Colors.txt, add content (one color per line), and display the content.

vim #file name
cat #file name

11. Find and display the lines that are common between fruits.txt and Colors.txt.

comm -12 <(sort *filename1) <(sort *filename2)

12. Count the number of lines, words, and characters in both fruits.txt and Colors.txt.

wc #file name

Thank you for reading!

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